A continuation of bi-annual beach management works has been confirmed along the 7km frontage from Hythe to Folkestone following a detailed project appraisal and successful application for £1.2 million of Environment Agency Flood Defence Grain in Aid (FDGiA). The business case submission found that a continuation of beach management is the most cost effective solution to continue to provide a 1:200 year standard of protection to this coastline. The current phase of beach management covers the 5 year period from 2015-2020, with around 50,000m3 of shingle recycled per year.
This work has been carried out twice a year since the Coast Protection Scheme was completed in 2004. It typically comprises the haulage of shingle from east to west within each ‘cell’ (between rock structures) to counter the effects of longshore drift. Without this work, the standard of protection would reduce rapidly in places from 1 in 200 year design levels to 1 in 5 years or less, placing up to 3,000 properties at risk from flooding.